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Carrot Pancakes for Easter

Easter (and or passover) for anyone celebrating is a little different this year, normally I would be crazy busy visiting family (and eating a ton). My parents are divorced so holidays tend to be extra busy, but also a wonderful time to catch up with family.

This year things will be a lot slower and I am taking this as an opportunity to create some new family traditions for my little family.

When I think of Easter there are a few things that comes to mind, 1) chocolate (and mini eggs specifically), 2) carrots and bunnies (after all the easter bunny has been deemed an essential service here in Ontario) , and 3) enjoying meals with family and loved ones.

I don't have mini eggs, but I do have carrots and breakfast is my favourite meal of that day, so today I am sharing a carrot pancake recipe. A perfect meal for the little bunnies in your household and a great way to add some veggies to your breakfast. Who says your veggies can't be topped with maple syrup?

Makes about 8-10 pancakes


  • 1 cup spelt or whole wheat flour

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 2 tablespoons hemp or chia seeds

  • ½ tsp. cinnamon

  • Sprinkle of salt

  • 1 egg, beaten

  • 2 large carrots, shredded (I used a food processor, so it almost becomes puree like)

  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil, melted

  • ¾ cup milk of choice (I used oat)

Option to include dark chocolate chips, blueberries, pecan pieces or whatever you’d like. Alternately, you can top with mixed nuts or berries.


Mix together beaten egg, carrots, melted coconut oil and milk.

Mix together flour, baking powder, chia seeds, cinnamon and salt. Pour dry mixture into liquids and mix together well.

If adding any optional ingredients, gently mix in.

Heat a lightly greased pan on medium using some coconut oil or butter to avoid sticking. Pour ¼ cup of mixture into the pan (do this for as many pancakes as you have room for). Cook until browned on each side (1-2 minutes per side).

Enjoy. I like to top mine with some maple syrup!

Feel free to have your littles help prepare and share these with the Easter bunny too, he needs his energy and loves his carrots (I am not sure why, but I think of the Easter bunny as a he).

May you all stay safe and healthy. I hope you can make the best of your holiday and enjoy some pancakes.

Cheers to happy and healthy eating!

Until next time,

Eat Right Feel Right – Angela XO

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